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Selectmen Minutes 03/05/2013
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
March 5, 2013

Members present:   Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Patrick Clarke, Donna Chagnon, Fred Chagnon, Joe Austin, Lucille Noel, Philip Hitchcock, Evelyn Pike, Thomas Houle, Anne Davis

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Joe Austin
This is a follow-up appointment from January 29, 2013.  Mr. Austin informed the Board that court arbitration is still going on and he is still dealing with title insurance issues.  He also informed the Board that in order to protect his interests Chichester Condominium Corporation has declared bankruptcy.  This will prevent the Board from accepting a tax deed or from any collection efforts.  Mr. Austin said the Town will receive the tax money on a schedule established by the court.  The Tax Collector said she will need to file paperwork with the bankruptcy court and would like the Board’s permission to consult the Town’s Attorney.  The Board agrees.  
Mr. Austin also asked the Board to cancel the plans/project he has on file with the Planning Board.  Jamie Pike, Planning Board Secretary, was consulted and it was determined that there is nothing official that needs to be done.  

Chief Clarke presented the Board with a DWI patrols grant and a sobriety checkpoint grant.  Both were signed.
The Chief would like to purchase new pistols and downsize the caliber.  He has a quotation for $7,917 with a trade-in allowance of $4,875 making the net price $3,042 for twelve pistols.  He would like permission to expend the funds from the Police Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the expenditure of $3,042 from the Police Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of purchasing new weapons for the Police Department. On the discussion Mr. DeBold asked if this followed the purchasing policy.  The Chief said he would solicit quotations from other manufacturers.  The motion passed with the understanding that the Chief would try to find the best deal for the Town and follow the requirements of the purchasing policy.
Chief Clarke reported that the copier at the station is on its last leg.  He has spoken to the company that leases the Town Office copier and he would like to lease a copier as well.  For the remainder of 2013 he would need $781 for the lease payments and maintenance agreement.  He would like to take those funds from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the expenditure of $781 from the Police Department Office Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  Motion passed.

Nancy asked about the plea and sentencing hearing for Candace Olms. The Chief will follow-up and give a recommendation about whether or not the Town needs to attend.
Mr. Paveglio asked the Chief about a plowing bill from an employee.  The Chief said that when the officer came in to work there was a 4 foot snow bank along the edge of the road by the safety building.  They did not feel emergency vehicles could get out and the Chief asked him to plow it and submit a bill.  Nancy said that she spoke to the Road Agent regarding the bill and he did not wish to pay it, citing the fact that we did not obtain the insurance information.  Nancy explained that information was not obtained due to the emergent need to have the parking lot accessible.  The Board authorized the bill to be paid from the Highway Department’s budget.  The Board is also concerned about the timeliness of the safety buildings parking lot getting plowed out.  The Board will discuss with the Road Agent.

Jeff commended the Chief for his presence at the 20 Horse Corner Road auction.  He felt the Chief’s presence made the auction go smoothly.

Other Business

20 Horse Corner Road:  The house sold for $70,000.  The town is entitled to a portion of those funds and the remainder will go to the previous owners.  The Board reviewed a letter from Mr. Giuda, the purchaser, asking for relief for the previous owner.  He asked the Board to consider abating most of the tax deeding penalty.  This would allow the previous owners to receive more money from the sale.  The Board will consider the request and make a decision at their next scheduled meeting, March 19th.

Town Report:  The Town Reports are available.   The Board appreciates the efforts of the children who contributed artwork.  The Board will make arrangements to visit the 3rd grade class and present the children with a report and a certificate.

Road Posting:  The Road Agent left a memo for the Selectmen that he would like to post the roads on March 18th and he would like it advertised in the paper.  Nancy explained that in 2011 the Board created an ordinance that posts the roads annually.  She will print the ordinance and post it at the usual Town posting locations as well as on the website.  There is no legal requirement to run an ad in the paper.  Nancy will talk to the Road Agent and see if there is some special reason he wants the advertisement otherwise we will just post as described previously.

Election signs:  Mr. DeBold was in the office on Monday when a concern about the locations of political signs was brought up.  Mr. DeBold and Nancy looked into the matter and determined from reading the Department of Justice’s frequently asked questions and from reading the RSA that political sigs cannot be affixed to public property.  Therefore political signs should not be placed at places such as the Town Hall, the Library or Carpenter Park.  Complaints were submitted for signs posted at the park and the library.  Those signs will be removed.  

Food Pantry:  Donna Chagnon reported there was $3,433.17 in cash donations to the food pantry in 2012.  Donna would like to be included in the next Town report.  The donations are keeping our food pantry going and she would like to recognize that.

Vien V. Chichester:  The Board has received a copy of the Court’s order approving the Memorandum of Understanding, which was reached during trial.  This is a public document; however a more lengthy and specific document will be forthcoming.  Mr. Paveglio reviewed the terms which were:
1)      $27,500 to be paid to the Plaintiff
2)      Defendant shall not retaliate against the Plaintiff at his job at the Chichester Highway Department
3)      Plaintiffs shall be permitted to apply for positions at the Chichester Fire Department and participate as any other in the future.
4)      The next Town Report shall reflect that Gilbert Vien’s previously reported termination was appealed and settled and his former position as Fire Chief shall now be recorded as a resignation effective at the date of expiration of his term as Chief (March 31, 2011).
5)      The parties agree that this completes the case.
The Memorandum was signed by the Judge, the Plaintiffs and two members of the Board of Selectmen.

A motion by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 8:30.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      _________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman            Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold